Strategy Session: Application of Diagnostic Toolkit

How a Strategy session would help you

The immediate impact of Covid-19 and Brexit, as well as other evolving external forces, is changing the organisational landscape, through changes to demographics, globalisation and technology. Organisations are desperately working to cope with the impact; frantically searching for innovative ways to reinvent themselves, to enhance their competitiveness and survive these challenging times. Managers are having to rapidly rethink and retool their organisational management strategies; urgently required to quickly increase their falling productivity, performance and crucially company profitability. 

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the NHS and other similar service providers have been operating on an emergency response footing, many organisations are reprioritising and focusing on providing urgent support, and others are frantically refocusing and redesigning services just to survive this perilous journey; a journey with limited sight of the ‘end point’. To remain relevant, credible and effective as an organisation, is an enormous struggle for some, especially given the speed at which this has had to occurred.

Then there’s Brexit! Some organisations that have had to evolve, redesign and refocus, were already planning on undertaking these improvement changes, and needed to speed up these plans; not an easy task! But is certainly easier than having no plans in place! Plans to meet future demands, are a key strategy for all companies to undertake on a regular basis. Until recently, most people were shocked when established companies failed. 

On the 19th November 2020, the Office for National Statistics (ONS), share results from their survey conducted 19 October and 1 November 2020, detailing that one in seven companies is at risk of collapse in the next three months, 14% of businesses have low or no confidence that they will survive the next 12 weeks and 7% of businesses said they expected to temporarily or permanently close a site in the next two weeks; bearing in mind this was close to the 2nd lock down – so little surprise! But what can be done to prevent their collapse? 

The effectiveness of an organisation and its resilience, in being able to pick itself up, dust itself down and start-again, for such a vast number of companies, has never been so important to so many, including my own company! Placing significant emphasis on managing their workforce, clients, services, and organisations throughout this extraordinarily challenging time, where Covid-19 and Brexit have brought influential external forces into play, along with changing demographics, globalisation and technology; requiring staff to rapidly rethink and retool their business management strategies. The fear of loss is overriding the fear of change, on a massive scale. See my 2nd blog for more details: ‘Influence major change by understanding how the brain works’.

Through my business ‘Stark Management Solutions’, we have been providing rapid support to NHS organisations, voluntary community organisations and private organisations, in situations as described above. The work undertaken helps to strengthening the effectiveness of their organisation, by working with business owners, leaders and workforce, to resolve their biggest challenges, such as:

Stressed and overworked staff 

Absent staff, resulting in colleagues overloaded with work

Staff struggling with new job roles, restructuring of an organisation and having to work differently. 

In this complimentary 30-minute strategy session, we will:
➝ Identify where you & your business are today
➝ Identify current challenges
➝ Begin to understand your future goals
➝ Start to identify a goal centred strategy

Email or call to book your strategy session now

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